WTBTS: "You can be sure he did not fall asleep again"
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Seriously now, all he had to do was to stay away from the window.
wow, i am kind of surprised the amount of attention this appalling video is getting from the media.
not surprised because it is appalling but that something that i grew up with was encapsulated in a cartoon and is exposing the witnesses publicly for mind control.. www.nydailynews.com/news/national/jehovah-witnesses-video-slammed-threats-kids-article-1.2116873.
WTBTS: "You can be sure he did not fall asleep again"
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Seriously now, all he had to do was to stay away from the window.
@ myelaine:
"I'd like to remind you of the fact that we are discussing actual people and they deserve to be discussed with dignity. I think it's vulgar the way you bring them into the conversation like some kind of offence to you that God has to answer for."
That statement could be considered ironic.
@ myelaine: "you're a deist..."
As I stated on one of my posts "I speak as an atheist." I just wanted to bring up to cofty that there's a variety of theisms.
From what I understand of some Deists simply believe that a god created the universe and then left it alone to evolve on its own. Such a god could be considered sort of a cosmic scientist who created this universe as an experiment to see the results but otherwise is absent as far as the affairs of men are concerned. Also, a Deist does not necessarily believe in immortality of the soul.
@ myelain:
"being "able" to die of old age isn't a guarantee for a good life, or a righteous life. It's a fact that some wax worse and worse as time goes by."
So babies are killed so that they don't grow up to be major sinners?
yes, i'm not kidding!.
this gem was stated today in the talk!
(shortly before i walked out).
@ millie210: "But I hadnt seen it in print anywhere...is that just me?"
Second paragraph under "For busy people".
@ myelaine:
"...He was able to redeem the situation for His benefit and the benefit of those killed...by delivering those killed...to Himself."
So god allows people to die so that they can be with him, right? Why can they not just live a natural, safe life and be redeemed after they die of old age?
@ cofty: "This right here is why I hate theism with a passion."
I don't want to get into semantics but "Theism" is simply the belief in a god not necessarily the belief in the Biblical/Quranic god. A Deist, which is one form of Theism, believes in a creator god but not the biblical god. You might want to exclude them from your hatred even though you don't believe in their worldview.
I speak as an atheist.
id give a guess of maybe another 15 to 20 years ,.
nothing will be the same , if there even is a headquarters.. opinion?.
It's interesting to note that although some Bible Students organizations are still around the Witnesses are the only ones who grew to much larger numbers. That too was Rutherford's doing. "Advertise, advertise, advertise the King and his Kingdom!".
I bring that up because the larger a group becomes the less likely they are to completely disappear. I think however that the Witnesses are so tied in to their governing body that no one is likely to become a new leader of a JW sect. Either way it would be interesting to see if they implode and how.
1 chronicles 28:9 "and you, my son solomon, acknowledge the god of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought.
if you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
is the word "forever" literal or figurative?
divining liability.
kimberlee norris began evaluating these cases in july 2002. with some 2000 cases to choose from, norris and partner gregory love came up with a rigid profile of what kind of case and where.
love and norris decided only to take cases where they could prove the church knew its member was a perpetrator and placed him in a position of authority anyway.
"As of May 2004, the firm had filed 57 suits across the country."
Are these 57 cases all the cases that are considered extreme out of the 2,000 or are there other extreme cases that they haven't had time or resources to pursue?